"Salvia is Potent, and Has Been Proven To Provide The Absolute BEST Legal High, Period!"


We sell 5X, 10X, 20X, and 30X. 10X being the absolute favorite by our users. If you want 30X or 20X you can custom order  BUT, Our recommendation is to stay away from anything above 10X if you have used Salvia less than 15 times.

Now, lets make sense of the "X" .....and learn why its produces the best highs

Crude extract fortified salvia leaves.

 When you hear of ‘5X or 10X extract’, in simple terms we are extracting the Salvinorin content from Fortified Salvia Leaves, and taking this extract and placing it on untreated leaves.

 This final material, whose Salvinorin content has been increased by this procedure, is often termed ‘extract’, although technically it should be called ‘extract fortified leaves’. Fortified leaves are usually smoked, although they may be active sublingually as well. The most common product currently on the market is "  5X and 10X." It is prepared by adding the crude extract obtained from 5 units of leaf back onto 1 unit of leaf. The resulting product is thus 5 times as potent as the leaves used to produce it.  A 5X ‘extract’ is a final product that is 5 times as strong as the original untreated leaves. Extract fortified leaves of various strengths are available: 5X, 10X, 20X, up to 30X.


BEWARE***  Any site, and I mean ANY site that claims they have anything above 30X....run, run, run!!  WARNING SIGN***

BEWARE***  Any site, and I mean ANY site that claims they have anything above 30X....run, run, run!!  WARNING SIGN***

Even a site that has 30X for sale, you BETTER make sure they are a legitimate, well known producer/company. Our recommendation is to stay away from anything above 10X until you have used this product many times.



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Salvia Divinorum Online
Rated 4.7/5 based on 127 customer reviews
I first ordered the 5X extract. Me and a few friends stayed in the first effect stage. After smoking almost a quarter of a gram, with salvia leave in a water bong, I got some pretty intense effects, but only in the stage of lsd-like effects.

Then we ordered the X10 extract....

- Richard D.
With Salvia 5x or 10x our users report..
  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Traveling Back or Forward in Time
  • Feelings of enlightenment
  • Warm, heavy waves over there bodies.
  • Intense rushes
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